Collaboration with over


different companies



countries around the world



professional trained and facilitated in business growth



years of experience

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Who We Are

AGMC Management Consulting Solutions is the project of which I am the founder. My name is Andrea Greco, I was born in Florence in 1971, engineer since 1998. My story went through a journey of professional growth conducted in multiple segments of industry and services. I started dealing with Lean, Management and Business Continuous Improvement since 2003. From that moment I transformed my professional activity into an exciting passion, progressively improving my skills thanks to the companies I worked for, the professionals and the people I collaborated with and through direct experience conducted in many contexts and in various parts of the world. AGMC is the entrepreneurial project that I started in 2022.

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  • AGMC is a multidisciplinary company that offers management and global consulting solutions for improvement, efficiency and governance of your company through a widespread application of process optimization methods: Lean, Lean Six Sigma, TPM, Problem Solving
  • AGMC, thanks also to the 20+ years of experience of its founder, has numerous successful cases both in Italy and abroad, collaborations with over 105 companies in 14 different countries around the world, and over 3000 people trained and facilitated in business improvement
  • AGMC has extensive experience in consulting, training and coaching corporate teams and guide them with determination and leadership to achieve challenging objectives
  • AGMC is the perfect specialized and professional partner to accompany your change management, continuous improvement and process optimizazion using Lean, Lean Six Sigma techniques and new winning methodologies
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What Do We Do

Process analysis and improvement, reduction of waste and variability

Reduction of failures, downtime, set-up, defects and delays

Management support and assistance

Supply-chain management and area planning, procurement, production and logistics

Problem solving and improvement of quality, efficiency and organization

Training and certification of key figures in business improvement

Planning strategic and tactical objectives and actions to achieve them

Improvement of the customer experience

Management of special corporate projects

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Distinctive Values

Full customer satisfaction

Customized service

Involvement of resources and teamwork "for and with" the customer

Added value that remains with the customer

Work planning with precise objectives and milestones

Facilitation of organizational, cultural, generational change

Process reengineering and improvement

Support to management and challenges for entrepreneurs

Monitoring and driving key performance indicators

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Specific Pathways


Layout study

Problem Solving

Process mapping and procedures

Quality management and KPI


Training courses

VSM, 5S, TPM, SMED sessions

Work and efficiency

Workshop and Kaizen, rapid improvement

Lean Six Sigma

Training and certifications of Belts

Governance and Assessment

VOC and customer experience

DMAIC Project management and coaching

«Agile» & PMO

Project Management Training

Agile Mindset & Business Agility

Scrum Learning

Methodologies Integration


Marketing strategy

Business Plan and Models

Balance Scorecard


Supply Chain & Logistics

Supply Chain & Operations Management

PFEP and material management

Process Integration

Logistic and distribution


Layout study

Problem Solving

Process mapping and procedures

Quality management and KPI


Training courses

VSM, 5S, TPM, SMED sessions

Work and efficiency

Workshop and Kaizen, rapid improvement

Lean Six Sigma

Training and certifications of Belts

Governance and Assessment

VOC and customer experience

DMAIC Project management and coaching

«Agile» & PMO

Project Management Training

Agile Mindset & Business Agility

Scrum Learning

Methodologies Integration


Marketing strategy

Business Plan and Models

Balance Scorecard


Supply Chain & Logistics

Supply Chain & Operations Management

PFEP and material management

Process Integration

Logistic and distribution

Consists of the phase of knowing and gaining awareness of what the company does., how it does it, and what it takes to do it better. It then consists of the activities of mapping the current state, identifying the main critical issues, measuring key processes, and redefining the layouts and tasks of each operator in the work area to work with less dispersion. Relative to problem solving, we offer “Blitz” or “Just Do it” solutions to correct and introduce effective countermeasures on results that are not in line with the set objectives.
Lean production (Lean Production) is a continuous improvement methodology that focuses on Customer Value Added. Fundamentals of this methodology are the identification and elimination of all activities that drive costs without generating value, i.e., “waste.” Lean offers a set of specific tools for each type of waste, through the “Kaizen” mode, which is characterized by rapid and effective application in both the industrial/manufacturing and office/service areas. The results that are achieved are higher quality of product and service offered at significantly lower costs, and increased competitiveness and flexibility in the market. The main methodologies are Standard Work, 5S, Continuous Flow, Cell design, SMED, kanban, Visual Management, VSM
Lean six-sigma is a rigorous and systematic continuous improvement methodology, based on the use of data and statistical analysis, aimed at measuring and improving business performance and reducing variability in processes. The implementation of Lean Six Sigma methodology is carried out through the Define-Measure-Analyse-Improve-Control path and project paths that are carried out by the Belts. In business processes, Lean Six Sigma contributes to strengthening the Company’s leadership through the constant development of human resource skills, systematic measurement and analysis of the level of service provided, continuous and stable improvement of internal processes, and focus on real customer needs and specifications. Lean Six Sigma is characterized by the training and certification of professionals dedicated to continuous improvement (Yellow Belt, Green Belt and Black Belt)
Agile methods contrast with traditional models, proposing an approach focused on delivering small portions of a larger job to the client quickly and frequently. Among the practices promoted by agile methods are the formation of small teams, incremental development, adaptive planning, and direct and continuous involvement of the client in the work process. Agile methods prefer real-time communication, with teams consisting of all the people needed to finish the project.
The industrial and business development of any company begins with good strategy definition, communication and dissemination. The application of methodologies in this area can lead to unexpected results and performance, as well as increase leadership, consistency, motivation, the team’s sense of responsibility and accountability, and greater determination to achieve goals. Among the management support tools we offer in this area that increase the value of a company are the most important ones: management consulting, strategy deployment and balance scorecards; strategic, marketing and business modeling-business planning; project management; business acquisition, implementation or transformation plans; generational-organizational change; temporary management and management coaching; cost reduction projects, corporate restructuring.
Gli strumaenti disponibili in questa area derivano dalle tecniche di Lean Production applicate alla gestione della Supply Chain e sono basati sulla metodologia Making Materials Flow. I risultati che si ottengono sono il livellamento e la riduzione delle scorte, una più semplice e puntuale programmazione dei materiali ed una conseguente riduzione delle rotture di stock. Gli strumenti pi+ importanti sono: il sistema gestione scorte a “kanban” e a punto di riordino; l’implementazione del sistema “Milk-Run” e l’ottimizzazione dei percorsi di prelevamento, distribuzione e consegna dei materiali; la valutazione, il coinvolgimento e la formazione dei fornitori; l’introduzione di un sistema efficace di mappatura del magazzino materiali; lo sviluppo e l’implementazione del database di gestione materiali denominato “Plan for Every Part”; l’ottimizzazione dei processi di pianificazione e schedulazione degli ordini di produzione
In this case, the pathway is totally custom-designed and built and integrated based on the specific needs of the client, possibly making use of the methods already mentioned, or with integration of specific custom methodologies.
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Our References

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The Team


I enjoy learning new things and teaching others about them, thus keeping the value in communication active. I get excited to carry out and facilitate visionary and ambitious projects. I like to think that every person wants to feel "enriched" in something every day; so I try to maintain a style with everyone that actively contributes to this objective.

Andrea Greco

Founder & CEO, Principal Consultant, LSS MBB & Coach

I enjoy learning new things and teaching others about them, thus keeping the value in communication active. I get excited to carry out and facilitate visionary and ambitious projects. I like to think that every person wants to feel "enriched" in something every day; so I try to maintain a style with everyone that actively contributes to this objective.


I am a consultant on industrial process improvement and reengineering as well as i'm a trainer in courses on Lean Six Sigma methodology for both Yellow Belt and Green Belt candidates. I enjoy comparing and working as part of a team, and I believe these are key factors in "achieving important business milestones".

Dafne Dini

Process Consultant, LSS BB and Trainer

I am a consultant on industrial process improvement and reengineering as well as i'm a trainer in courses on Lean Six Sigma methodology for both Yellow Belt and Green Belt candidates. I enjoy comparing and working as part of a team, and I believe these are key factors in "achieving important business milestones".


I personally take care of the coordination, organization of business activities and the Ceo's agenda. I love challenges and have learned that in life you never stop improving. I like to think that a great result is achievable through the commitment and talent of every member of a team. My motto? "Hic et nunc."

Veronica Niccolai

Executive Assistant, Marketing & Administration

I personally take care of the coordination, organization of business activities and the Ceo's agenda. I love challenges and have learned that in life you never stop improving. I like to think that a great result is achievable through the commitment and talent of every member of a team. My motto? "Hic et nunc."

serena 1

At AGMC, I am in charge of the development and control of training materials and support the CEO in the development of new products for training and their annual review. I love putting myself out there and learning new things, trying to get the best out of the people around me. I like to think that teamwork is always the trump card.

Serena Gheri

Research & Development

At AGMC, I am in charge of the development and control of training materials and support the CEO in the development of new products for training and their annual review. I love putting myself out there and learning new things, trying to get the best out of the people around me. I like to think that teamwork is always the trump card.

“Choose to change, or others’ choices will change you”

Andrea Greco

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  • Customized duration and frequency based on specific client needs
  • Field interventions on all our areas of expertise
  • Support for process mapping and reorganization activities
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  • Management coaching and team coaching, key resource development
  • Checking the progress of corporate and business projects
  • Change management with training and involvement of internal staff


  • On-the-job or classroom training sessions on specific subject areas
  • Individual or group training
  • Effective teaching formulas at all levels with numerous examples and application cues
  • Certification paths
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Project Management

  • Team leadership
  • Planning, coordinating and leading corporate and business projects on the operational and strategic level
  • Creating the right team spirit that will motivate the work group toward the expected results
  • Goal planning and time scheduling of the project

The right solution for you

Our activities are aimed at innovation and process optimization. We intend to offer our clients effective support in solving problems, but even more so the opportunity to embark on a path toward improvement and organizational well-being. In fact, in addition to provide a useful service, we wish to be partners in developing ideas, implementing projects and successfully achieving ambitious objectives. Our aim is to guarantee and to offer clients a certain result and a concrete and lasting added value. We also offer the advantages of the flexibility of a customized service, carried out externally, which does not burden the structural costs and workloads of in-house staff.
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Training Courses

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Course in lean methodology and application

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Course in Lean Six Sigma methodology and application

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Course in TPM methodology and application

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Firenze, Toscana, Italia

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